In response to Popisfizzy
Popisfizzy wrote:
the pager is pretty much a crappy version of AIM or anything else out their. Why doesn't someone just whip up something called like "Pager 2.0" or something and make it better. I never use the pager anyways, and i'm fine.

I think that a pager lib would be a good idea. A lightweight system. People's locations get sent to a central world run by a dedicated host, then people can page eachother getting the page's destination sorted at the central server. Or something. It might be a little laggy.
TerminatorX13 wrote:
June 24, 2005

ATTN: B.Y.O.N.D. Development Team

Dear B.Y.O.N.D. Development Team,

I have noticed that you have recently started a special type of membership service for B.Y.O.N.D.

Recently? It was started awhile ago…

Other things I have noticed is that you are taking away the pager service, and making pay for it.

They aren't "making" you pay for it.

You’re also giving new privileges to the members. Why?

Because they are supporting BYOND, and helping to keep it running.

I thought that B.Y.O.N.D. was supposed to be a free service for all. You have changed that recently.

BYOND is still very much free nothing has changed there.

You have taken our dreams. Build Your Own Net Dream.

You have dreams of talking to strangers on a slow IM devise?

That’s what B.Y.O.N.D. stands for, isn’t it?

Yes it does stand for Build Your Own Net Dream. Not page, spam, and waste bandwidth.

Why has this changed?

Nothing has changed. You just are required to show support, and help BYOND run if you want to use something. Stop complaining use AIM, or something it's free, and faster.

You have suspended our privileges.

Exactly, the pager is a privilege not a right!

You’re making us pay your expenses.

Heh, you think that having people spam the pager, and waste BYOND bandwidth should be there expense?

Of course, we want B.Y.O.N.D. to survive,

Then stop trying to bring it down.

but we don’t want to pay for the service that was once supposed to be, and always be free.

Then don't pay.

Soon, we may no longer interact using the pager.

No the people who don't support BYOND won't be using it.

It’s like taking from the poor, and giving to the rich.

Not quite Dan, and Tom aren't rich. They are just regular people with regular jobs.

I’m not saying that I’m poor. I can afford to buy the membership.

Then stop complaining that you're losing the pager, and pay for it.

I would rather stand on the side of the people who prefer that B.Y.O.N.D. stay the way that it was supposed to be in the first place.

Most of the people who want it to stay the same haven't even been on BYOND that long, and they haven't contributed a thing to it, or helped it in anyway.

It’s not right, taking away what we had before.

It is right they didn't give you the pager they let you borrow it.

What you can do is to let us have our pager rights.

As I said, and you even said before the pager is a privilege not a right.

If you take it away, you are taking away our freedom of speech.

Muhaha. They are taking your freedom of speech how? If they take the pager you can never talk again?

We don’t want to have to join games to talk to other people. The host wouldn’t like it. The players wouldn’t like it. The developer wouldn’t like it. I know for sure, that I wouldn’t like someone joining my game just to talk about the video game they bought at Best Buy.

Again, AIM!

So please. The least you can do to help my cause is at least keep the pager going for everybody. What you’re doing is dividing B.Y.O.N.D. into two parts.

NO! What people like you are doing is dividing BYOND!

I want to talk to people. I don’t want to join a game and talk to other people.

You want to talk to people, but not other people?

So, I put the choice on you. Do you want to go ahead with your plan and take away our freedom of speech using the pager, or do you want to change your plans, and let us talk, and keep B.Y.O.N.D. in one piece. It’s your turn.

You are pathetic having a payment method for an IM devise is not taking away freedom of speech. Me finding out were you live, and ripping the voice from your very soul is taking away your freedom of speech. Oh, or putting you in Cuba, or another country where if you talk about something they don’t like you die. It's YOUR turn!

In response to Lummox JR
Why do the pages have to go through byond? why cant they just be sent client to client. Then it wouldn't require any bandwith of byond's at all.
In response to Strawgate
Strawgate wrote:
Why do the pages have to go through byond? why cant they just be sent client to client. Then it wouldn't require any bandwith of byond's at all.

It'd still require BYOND's bandwidth to track down the receiver's IP address and send it back. It'd also be a huge security risk by opening up a direct connection on the whim of whoever asks.

Lummox JR
He's got a good point- though it's a bit dramatic.
Byond takes a dangerous road if it goes towards a payment system. It wont be good for it. As far as the pager goes, it's never been a good instant messenger anyway, and it's been pretty much useless to me since I have router issues (like the fact that mine sucks).
In response to Flame Sage
EXACTLY! If you want [complain] about how it's unfair that the pager isn't free anymore. Make your own BYOND, and pay everything out of your own pocket. Learn about the real world.

Request to Close?

P.S. If Dan, or Tom doesn't mind could you like give out a rough estimate on how much BYOND, pager, and all, cost to run yearly to show some of these people the reality of what's going on?
In response to Rockinawsome
Rockinawsome wrote:
He's got a good point- though it's a bit dramatic.
Byond takes a dangerous road if it goes towards a payment system. It wont be good for it. As far as the pager goes, it's never been a good instant messenger anyway, and it's been pretty much useless to me since I have router issues (like the fact that mine sucks).

Dangerous road? It's a dangerous road for BYOND to NOT offer something like membership. Membership is totally 100% optional. Membership allows BYOND to continue existing. Servers and bandwidth are not cheap. Without some form of income, eventually the number of users would get so high that Dantom would have to stop providing services like the pager entirely.
In response to Jon88
yup, I met someone who was hosting a really popular fan site for guild wars the other day... he said he pays like 4000 bucks for bandwidth a month! I don't know if that's extremely rare (or a lie), but can you imagine trying to pay a fee like that without much sources of income... and having to pay your real life bills as well?

Let alone getting some free time to finish working on the next version of byond...
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