I'm not sure this is a BUG or a feature that gets more people to stick with the newest version.

BYOND Version: 3.5B2 and 341

Operating System: Windows XP

Detailed Problem Description:
When you compile a game using Version 3.5 and you switch back to 341 and run that same game, well you cannot.

Code Snippet to Reproduce Problem:

Error: server is out of date (world compiled for at least version 343). You are running version 341. Please download the new version from
BYOND Error: bad world

Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? everytime when you do this.

In other games? yes

On other computers? yes

In other user accounts? yes
Well, you have to upgrade since some stuff in DM changed. The earlier versions will not be able to run those 'cause there is stuff they don't understand. (Like the new .ogg and other file support. The older versions would explode when trying to run those =P) It is meant to be that way.

~~> Dragon Lord