I hadn't gotten any responses on my other posts, so I'm just going to leave this as a feature request and let whatever happens with it happen. Something in the browse_rsc() proc doesn't properly detect if a resource in the cache is in fact the same as the one intended to replace it. Icons with obvious differences in size and content are not being replaced consistently. Perhaps as a 3rd argument to the browse_rsc() proc, an "override" could be added to force an update?
Unrelated, but an alternative to solving my problem with portraits would be a proc to export a DMI file back into a PNG based on icon_states. Obviously animation would be an issue, but I'm sure there are an overwhelming number of cases where animation is not used for a multiple icon_state icon. (eg. imported pngs/bmps, etc.)
I don't mean to be nagging, but it puts my new portrait system at a standstill, and I'd just like to hear SOME input on it. I had paged LummoxJR about it, and apparently he has no problems with the browse_rsc() proc in Incursion. If it's strictly Maeva that has the issue, I don't know where to begin to troubleshoot it. According to the information given by the reference on the cache and browse_rsc(), everything SHOULD be working fine. Sorry for this sort of being 3 posts, I deleted the other two to try to clean things up a bit at least.
Sep 15 2005, 12:11 pm
Sep 15 2005, 9:54 pm
Sorry .. I've been busy with more 4.0 feature creep and haven't had time to bughunt (which really should be a priority). I'll try to check this out shortly.
In response to Tom
Well thank you! I certainly don't mean to interrupt progress, I'm more than happy to wait. As always, I totally appreciate what you guys are doing, and thanks a lot for helping make MY dreams a reality.
In response to Tom
Tom wrote:
Sorry .. I've been busy with more 4.0 feature creep and haven't had time to bughunt (which really should be a priority). I'll try to check this out shortly. No! Creep first, bug hunt later! /me wants features. =D |