Now, I'm not sure how many people have this problem, but I've been having ALOT of problems with BYOND cache. As alot of people may or may not know, I am a big fan of icon games, especially one such as "Builders Fantasy". In this game people enjoy changing their icons and making custom icons to suit their needs. I found after a week of horrible lag, and freezing for five minutes to load a single resource, that my BYOND Cache had built up over 5,000 files. I'd really like a clear cache option so I don't have to take five minutes to go find the cache folder and delete every file. People, please comment on my idea.
Stop wasting there time. Just make a Shortcut to the folder, when you get there press edit, then select all then delete.
In response to Strawgate
Make a batch file.
cd C:\Progra~1\BYOND\users\[insertuseraccountnamehere]\cache
del *.*
echo Done!

May need tweaking.
In response to Hazman
if you didn't cd to the chache folder, would that delete your hardrive?
In response to DarkCampainger
Uhhh, probably.
As I said, needs tweaking :-).
In response to DarkCampainger
Only the files in whatever directory you happened to be in. (Better hope it isn't an important one. =))

But yeah, it'll work.
In response to Hazman
You can make BYOND delete the files of a folder. I've done it for a host of an old icon game, no longer on the hub until I think about recoding it again for the literally eleventh time. As I'm not quite sure on how I did this, I'll be able to help you out when I get off my dad's laptop after my new computer is finally shipped to my house.