Either way, I've opened a poll for players to give me insight. Feel free to comment as well on any opinions you may have.
![]() Aug 7 2013, 11:13 am
Poll: What should be done at this point in the wipe?
Login to vote.
Due to extremely annoying, agonizingly so, issues with our current hosting situation I've had to grasp for straws as to what should be done with the current wipe. As of right now I don't have the saves, and there have been issues in the past with the service our host is using to provide for us, so the conclusion I've come to is either to ditch the host and just wipe as soon as the next update is done with a new host, to keep using the same host and deal with these issues, or to wait until the host provides me with the most recent saves so that I can give them to a new host -- which could take quite some time due to his stubbornness with hosting.
Either way, I've opened a poll for players to give me insight. Feel free to comment as well on any opinions you may have. ~Mysterio ![]() |
I choose to have a new wipe. Mostly because of the Update that we will receive and the better host.
I am even willing to host, I already notified Ern about this, but it is all up to him. :) |
Well, judging by the player response, by unanimous voting, we'll be going with a new host and starting a fresh wipe with the newest update (The stat system is nearing completion, I am finishing the release system and then I'll do testing before I finish the entire update up.)
Well, it's probably safer to just go for the update/wipe, even if it means all of the effort put into this one will for the most part be wasted. The best thing that could happen is if the files get sent rather quickly, but that might be hoping for a bit much.
For now it looks like we'd rather be able to play the game even if we lose what we had.