Is it against the rules to have two games use the same hub entry?

Also, although I know reviews for the main channel have been discontinued, what if one of the games where published? Could you submit the other game to be published also, and then let them share a hub entry?

Thanks for reading this.

DarkCampainger wrote:
Is it against the rules to have two games use the same hub entry?

I don't think it was considered until now. I'm gonna fall on the side of yes.

Also, although I know reviews for the main channel have been discontinued, what if one of the games where published? Could you submit the other game to be published also, and then let them share a hub entry?

That'd be basically using loopholes to try to get unpublished games to appear published. Not to mention, it's a pretty dumb idea outright. I think that'd merit striking both games from the channel.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
I put quite a bit of thought into doing that, but decided agenst it. It was when I was replacing FlashChat with B-Net. I could have just changed the hub entry, being that it was made by the same developer and was already in the right spot. I decided agenst it because it was a different, even if I could argue that it was the same thing with a different name (Which it isn't).
In response to Lummox JR
What if you had a hub entry for each, got them all published, and then set the games up to appear on the same hub entry?

You're probably wondering why in world I would even want this, and I don't think it's as dumb as an idea you imply :(

What I was planning to do was separate a series of games with similar plots into different hosting files, which would appear under the same hub with world.status explaining which one it was. I was planning to branch off my game, Cosmic Peril, into a ground based battle, a player verse player area style battle, a RTS, and maybe a few others (I was hoping to do a single player story oriented game).

Oh well, I'll just have to connect the hub entries using links. Or maybe I can try something similar to what DerDragon did with his Bomberman Arena game and create a central hub server that would report what games were live. That would be a new area for me, so it could provide some fun challenges :)
In response to DarkCampainger
DarkCampainger wrote:
What I was planning to do was separate a series of games with similar plots into different hosting files, which would appear under the same hub with world.status explaining which one it was. I was planning to branch off my game, Cosmic Peril, into a ground based battle, a player verse player area style battle, a RTS, and maybe a few others (I was hoping to do a single player story oriented game).

Multiple games tied to a central series might benefit from this, but my gut feeling says what you really need is a channel.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
what me and dark(im co owner of Cosmic Peril and Dark's iconer) where thinking of doing was takeing the dif games and tieing them together with the save file. like for ex, you win alot of points on Finle Horizen(the ground baced game(sry for spellin mistakes)) and you get letsay, a new gun in cosmic peril. that was what i though would be cool, a way to link savefiles. but inorder to do this (as i understand from dark explaning this to me in school today) we would half to use the same hub entry to connect the games vea the player side saveing.
