Apr 12 2006, 2:11 am
I know this may seem stupid or irrelevent(sp) but what if they added a feature where you could make the density of an object 2 and when an objects desity was 2 nothing can pass trough it even density one stuff. You may ask whats the reason well I am getting tired of making codes that make it so people can walk through people. I wish it was easier like setting a mob density to 0 and when an items density is 2 a mob cant walk through it.
Apr 12 2006, 3:26 am
You can actually code this yourself by overriding the movement procs, specifically Enter(). I'm pretty sure this has been covered before, so a forum search might turn up some interesting info.
The development team generally doesn't change things for such a narrowly useful modification that is easily done in DM code. It's fairly simple to override the default density system with your own in DM in any way you can imagine: fractional density, multiple density flags, direction based density, or what have you.
This snippet of code will make mobs ignore other mobs when moving, but allow normal density function for turfs and objs: turf/Enter(atom/movable/A) I agree it would be nice if the density var itself could accept values other than 1 and 0 so you could use it in custom systems. For fancier density systems like I mentioned above, you would have to define a separate var to store more detailed density information. |