var/list/Guilds = newlist() //The list that all of the guilds will be going in.
Guild = "None" //variable holding the guilds name.
GuildTag = "None" //variable holding the players rank in the guild.
InGuild = 0 //variable for if a player is in a guild or not 1 = yes 0 = no
GuildOfficer = 0 //variable for guild officer 1 = yes 0 = no.
Create_Guild(msg as text)//Creates an input box for the user to input his/her guild name.
set category = "Guild" //The verb panel's name the guild commands are going in.
set name = "Guild: Create" //the name of the verb.
if(length(msg)<2) //if the length of the name of the guild is less than 2 then execute the next commands
alert("Guild name is too short.")// alerts the user his/her guild name is too short
return //stops the verb from going any further
if(findtext("",msg))//if the user didn't type anything at all
alert("You need to type something to make a guild.")//alerts the user he/she needs to actually type a name for their guild.
return //if the above is true it stops the verb from going any further.
if(usr.InGuild == 0) // if the user is not in a guild
Guilds += "[msg]" // add the users guild to the list of guilds.
src << "You have successfully created the new guild [msg]</b>'." // let the user know he succesfully created a guild.
src.Guild = "[msg]" //sets the users guild to his/her guild name
src.GuildTag = "Owner" //establishes that the user is the owner.
src.InGuild = 1 // the user is now in a guild.
src.GuildOfficer = 1 // the user is a guild officer
src.GuildCheck() // calls the guildcheck proc giving the user the commands he/she needs.
else// else if the user is in a guild then he can't make one.
alert("You are already in a guild")// alerts the user that he/she is already in a guild.
return//stops the command from executing anything else.
GuildCheck()// name of the procedure were using to check for guild rank and supply the user with his/her commands.
if(src.GuildOfficer == 1) // if the user is an officer
src.verbs += typesof(/mob/GuildOfficerCommands/verb) //add all the guild officer commands
if(src.InGuild == 1) // if the user is in a guild
src.verbs += typesof(/mob/GuildCommands/verb) // add the necessary verbs
GuildCommands//Commands for players in a guild.
set category = "Guild"
set name = "Guild: Who"
src << "<font color = blue><b>Guild Members:" //sends a blue message 'Guild Members:' to the user.
for(var/mob/M in world)//sets M as every mob in the world.
if(M.Guild == src.Guild) //checks if any M's guilds = the users guild.
if(M.InGuild == 0) //unless ovcoarse M isn't in a guild at all.
return()//returns nothing.
else// if M is then
src << "<font color = blue><b>[M]</b></font>"//tells the user all of the M's in his guild.
set category = "Guild"
set name = "Guild: Say"
var/msg = input("What would you like to say to the members in your guild?") as text //sets up an input box for the message the user wants to send to his guild members.
for(var/mob/M in world)//sets M as every mob in the world.
if(M.Guild == src.Guild)//if M is in the users guild then
if(M.InGuild == 0) // if by some chance GuildCheck got bugged and a user had the commands it wouldn't spam all the users not in a guild.
M << "<font color = blue><b>Guild Chat: ([usr.GuildTag])[src]: [msg]" //in blue font everyone in the users guild will get the users message.
set category = "Guild"
set name = "Guild: Leave"
src << "You have left the guild [usr.Guild]"
src.InGuild = 0 //resets the users inguild variable making them no longer in a guild in normal people talk.
src.Guild = "" //resets their guild name back to nothing.
src.GuildTag = "None" //they no longer have a rank if they aren't in a guild.
src.GuildOfficer = 0 //their definitely not an officer
src.verbs -= /mob/GuildOfficerCommands/verb/Guild_Invite //takes away the users guild invite command
src.verbs -= /mob/GuildCommands/verb/GuildWho //takes away the users guild who command
src.verbs -= /mob/GuildCommands/verb/GuildSay //takes away the users guild say command
src.verbs -= /mob/GuildCommands/verb/GuildLeave //takes away the users guild leave command.
GuildOfficerCommands //commands for a guild officer
Guild_Invite(mob/M in world)//invites a mob you select in the world.
set category = "Guild"
set name = "Guild: Invite"
if(M.InGuild == 0 && M.Guild == "None") // if the user isn't in a guild
if(src.GuildTag == "Owner"||src.GuildTag == "Officer"||src.GuildTag == "Recruiter" && src.InGuild == 1)
switch(alert(M,"[M] you have been invited to join the guild [usr.Guild] by [usr]","Guild Invitation","Yes","No"))// alerts M that he/she has been invited to join the users guild.
if("Yes")//if M selected yes.
M <<"You have joined the guild [src.Guild]"//tells M he is now in users guild.
M.Guild = src.Guild //M's guild is now the same as the users.
M.GuildTag = "Initiate" //M's rank is by default initiate
M.InGuild = 1 //M is in a guild
M.GuildCheck()// calls guild check to give him/her the guild commands.
for(var/mob/G in world)//G being all the mobs in the world
if(G.Guild == src.Guild) //if G is in the users guild
G << "[M] has joined the guild" // let everyone in the guild know that M just joined the guild.
if("No")// if M selects no
src << "[M] has declined your guild invite"// tells the user that M has declined the invite
return()//stops the verb from going any further
else//if the user somehow has the verb and isn't an ower/officer/recruiter then do nothing.
else// if the user is in a guild then
alert("That player is already in a guild")//tells the user that the player is already in a guild
Problem description:
It doesn't save the guilds,I tried adding src.Guild to my save/load ( and the other included variables)but it didn't work
This is a link to my Foundation library. In it, look at the guild system and how it is saved. This should shed some light on the idea for you.