It seems that is blocked by websence, but isn't. Have a nice day.
Whoa, same here! What school do ya go to?
And I knew it for about 3 months now. :P
Members.byond used to wasnt banned, but now it is, after i used it at school a few times.

Now it's filtered under the category
"Message Boards and Chatrooms" or something like that.
lol my school blocks:, but does not block the fourms,, funny how it blocks but not when its the same site.
try using or or another proxy-thing to get by their filter. If not and you have access to this (which I doubt but anyways..) try Start>>Run>>type: msconfig>> Startup Tab>> Uncheck the filter>>reboot
Im almost sure, that the filter on the computers, is on the server at my school, and not on each individual computer.
I heard one way to turn off the filter is to download a free firewall and just block Websense.

I heard it works but I've never tried it.
Thats like ultrareach, a chinese search engine, the main one is blocked but not another link leading to the same thing.
Straw is right, on a lot of educational centres like schools and colleges now, everything is run via servers and not individual computers, although there is still ways around most stuff.