Not sure if this was brought up (lazy to look through millions of threads... even though my question will be answered from the first post I search ... but anyways)

In the next version, I was wondering if there may be an 'Add Folder' option somewhere when we make a new file (eg: dmi)... probably in the location button

I like to be organised so whenever i make a new project, I group things into folders and currently I have to go to the folder itself and create the folder >.>

- GhostAnime
Name the file "New Folder\My Icon.dmi" and it should make "my icon.dmi" in the folder "New Folder" =)
In response to Cowdude
Cowdude wrote:
Name the file "New Folder\My Icon.dmi" and it should make "my icon.dmi" in the folder "New Folder" =)

It won't, sadly. It would be nice if it did, though. =)
In response to Jtgibson
So it doesn't :(

(I didn't test it becuase I didn't wanna make a file if it worked and didn't wanna delete it if t made one :P)

But maybe a Byond coder-person can fix this in a future version :D