I think we should be able to hide online players keys from the list and keep online player's total,hide both or only show keys

[] Show online players keys (Zmadpeter,Testplayer1)
[] Show total online players (Live! (7)) (if not will be displayed as follows Live!)
[] Hide all info about the games current status

the first 2 options are checked to start with so people who rush thou it will have the normal hub settings

Zmadpeter wrote:
[] Show online players keys (Zmadpeter,Testplayer1)
[] Show total online players (Live! (7)) (if not will be displayed as follows Live!)
[] Hide all info about the games current status

I don't know why you wouldn't want people to know how many people are in your game o_O unless you never have any people there :P (yay hypocracy). Also, if you wanna hide the info about the game's status, don't set the game's world/status var o_o
Zmadpeter wrote:
[] Show online players keys (Zmadpeter,Testplayer1)

This would be handy to have, incase you're in private testing and want to hide your players, while still advertising your game to others.

[] Show total online players (Live! (7)) (if not will be displayed as follows Live!)

Perhaps as a Members only feature?

[] Hide all info about the games current status

I don't see how this is feasible.