There should be a Profile World option for DreamDaemon for the Linux version. Why? Most developers in BYOND hosts under a Unix console and players logs into the Unix servers. Let's say "Game A" wants to check on how each of his individual processes are doing with his average player-base (let's say 30 players) on his server, he can just enable Profile World upon the shell launch rather than making a seperate testing server through Windows (thus a new saved files database, etc.) and checking it through that.
And another person who doesn't know about GetConfig() and SetConfig(), nor any of the default files.

Make a directory called "cfg" in the same directory where your .dmb files are located. Then make a file called "admin.txt" and in it put "Vizuke role=root". When you login to your game, you will have the Reboot World & Profile World options (Profile World assuming debug mode is on).