![]() Aug 4 2013, 7:02 am
Poll: Best movie 2013 or best movie EVER?
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![]() Aug 4 2013, 7:43 am
While it's by no means a bad movie, it isn't really THAT great of a movie. It was way overhyped. Unfortunately I'll have to go with being a sick manchild.
I saw “Pacific Rim.” Good movie, imo. For those of you unfamiliar with it; It’s directed by Guillermo del Toro, a world-renowned director. I’m not a particular fan of his. Del Toro’s most admired work, “Pan’s Labyrinth,” is considered an art film by many, perhaps because the heroes of the story are all passionate Communists (fighting the Fascists in Spain). I don’t find communists in general appealing, Spanish or otherwise, and I didn't particularly care for the movie.
One thing del Toro can do, though, is create amazingly imaginative monsters, and I thought that was true in “Pacific Rim.” The monsters were by far the best part of the film, and considering that monster fights went on for 2/3 the running time, that might have been enough for many. The human characters, though, were flat and boring, the story was thin, and there was no attempt at realism. The best way to view it, I think, is an elaborate and expensive homage to the Japanese Godzilla and Mothra movies. One laughable moment: the story takes place a LONG time in the future, when complex holographic displays are common and giant robots act as defense weapons. Obama, though, appears at one moment on one of the screens as if he’s still president. Edit- I too am forced to go with being a sick man-child since it's not the best movie of 2013 nor is it the best movie of all time :l |
EmpirezTeam wrote:
The mechs were cool, the action was cool, the characters however were entirely forgettable.
Stephen001 wrote:
The mechs were cool, the action was cool, the characters however were entirely forgettable. I think this summarizes it perfectly: Guillermo del Toro has stated that he does not intend Pacific Rim to be a "realistic" depiction of a giant monster invasion. Rather he intends the film to be a "beautiful poem to giant monsters"; that is, a stylized throwback to the giant monster genre. So wondering "Why don't the military use realistic tactics?" is pretty much missing the point of the movie. Take it for what it is, and it's brilliant. Expect more, and sure you find its flaws but, in reality you're the flaw in that scenario, aren't you? |
We'll set that particular ad hominem to one side, Rushnut.
It was entertaining, yes. Was it 'Best movie 2013'? Depends on how you rate movies. For me, I want to buy-in to the character emotionally, as well as see explosions. Iron Man 3, thanks in part to building on the prior 2 films and their casting choices, ticked a lot of explosions boxes, a lot of character attachment boxes, and ran a pretty good plot. That trumps Pacific Rim in my book, any day, for the title of "Best movie 2013". Does this mean Pacific Rim was a waste of my money? No. Does this mean you are not allowed to think it's the best movie of 2013? No. Just means I don't think it is, not even close. |
My poll was just a humerous way of sparking discussion about the movie, I don't actually think it's the best movie ever, and I doubt it'll beat many of the titles of this year, but it was still an amazing experience that really made me feel like a kid again.
The battles and fights were incredible, the punches felt strong and powerful. |
I threw that last comment in just as an afterthought, the meat of the argument is that the movie is a movie about gozilla fighting the power rangers, and it is damn good at it. Is it good at being a thought provoking masterpiece of writing? No.
What it does, it does incredibly well, but when you pick at it for things that it's not really built to be, you're being silly, aren't you? Sure, you're right, it's bad at being a movie about racers, but why are you going to see Pacific Rim then faulting it for not being about racers? I guess it's somewhat a silly argument because on a menial bullshit level EVERY movie is good at being a movie, but I'm hoping you'll see the bigger picture (There's puns in there somewhere) and hover over this slight bump. |
The problem (aside from the ad hominem, which kinda sets a bad tone anyway) was 'best movie 2013', you asked your audience to rank it in the same mix as all the other films. If you said "Did you enjoy it?" or "A fun throw-back to 80's and 90's Godzilla movies?", then sure.
I enjoyed it, wasn't wowed by it though. Watched power rangers as a kid, thought that was okay. Wasn't exactly wowed by that either when I was 12 or whatwver, so it probably goes that Pacific Rim doesn't scratch a particular itch I needed scratching. It did for you though, so great. I'm not going to be as passionate about this film as you are though, that's life. |
Kumorii wrote:
So who liked The Last Samurai? A much shorter question would be who didn't like The Last Samurai |
I haven't seen The Last Samurai. Going to google it.
[Edit] Lol a tom cruise movie |
I honestly forgot what 'The Last Samurai' was about. I've heard about it countless times and probably knew who starred in it at one point but it completely slipped my memory.
I actually didn't think the movie was much better than adequate. The story was unoriginal, the plot was okay, I didn't connect to the characters on an emotional level, but it had great fight scenes. I enjoyed the movie and I'm glad I saw it, but if I'm ranking all the movies I've seen in my life or even just in 2013, it's not anywhere near the top in my book. I am just a sick manchild.
To be completely honest, I actually watched the movie at a drive-in theater. The theater shows two movies every night and that night was Turbo and Pacific Rim. Turbo isn't that great, but I actually enjoyed it more. It hooked me a lot more emotionally, and it's a kids movie. When highly emotional events took place in Pacific Rim, I couldn't have cared less. It wouldn't have affected me in the slightest if the guy ended up dying in the end. Heck, I don't even remember his name. |
Unimaginative people? This movie is basically just a rehash of every giant monster movie and Mecha anime/manga that ever existed.
The story was appallingly basic with little to no development, the generic ass characters pissed me off which made me even more pissed off when they weren't all annihilated. Yet another movie that relies on big flashy CG rather than good acting, good story and good art implementation to win other it's audience... I would choose sick man child but really the fact that you could swallow this regurgitated bullshit and think its A either the greatest movie ever or B the greatest movie of 2013 leads me to believe you're the unimaginative bastard love child of a family without an original idea or scrap of imagination for at least several generations. Toodle pip and what not ¬_¬. |