It'd be nice if we could get an option to set the number of environments to show to a number in between 4 and 10, or something like that. It's starting to get annoying to have to navigate to find my projects from the system32 folder when I look at a few too many other projects.
...You store projects in the system32 folder?! That has to be just about the worst place to store them...

But yeah, more Recent Environments would be a nice addition.
In response to Crispy
Crispy wrote:
...You store projects in the system32 folder?! That has to be just about the worst place to store them...

Yeah, it's hard to find them in there. I feel like an idiot now, because looking around my shortcut, I notice that it has a "Start In" parameter that is set to C:\Windows\System32, which is the source of THAT annoying thing. Yay for being able to set it to my BYOND Projects folder. -_-