BYOND Version: 350.909
Operating System: Windows XP Pro Service Pack 2

Detailed Problem Description:
I was playing a game and it mentioned that center was the use key. I tried hitting center (numpad 5), and nothing happened. I checked the code of the game, and it had client/Center defined to emulate a click to the HUD 'use' object, which was working at the time, so I started up a new project and put in the below code but to no avail. Is this a valid bug?

Code Snippet to Reproduce Problem:
world << "Ah Ah Glem"

Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often? Every time.
In other games? Yes.
On other computers? I've not been able to test this.
In other user accounts? I've not been able to test this, either.
Check your macros, make sure you have one defined for .center. Remember, all of the directional keys and the center key are all macros you pick.
In response to Nadrew
Whoops, my bad. All of my macros reset, and I evidently forgot to set this one back up. Sorry.
Don't forget to turn numlock off, either.