As far as I know, there isn't currently a way to check if the host is hosting via DreamDaemon or DreamSeeker. Calling shell() with no arguments will return true if shell() is allowed, but there is no way to diffrenate if the world is ran by DreamSeeker or a DreamDaemon in trusted mode. How about simply adding a world/var that indicates the application?

Currently, when a runtime error occures, it goes to the host (in DreamSeeker: text window. Actually, in DreamDaemon too :P), and if world.log is set, the error is outputted to that too. How about implementing that as an overridable proc? It would be handy for a number of reasons. You could call it manually, you could also redirect it to your own logging system too, if you wanted. I think there should also be a way to choose if the proc logs to world.log by default (or get rid of that altogether, as it can be added via overriding), perhaps adding a world/var.
world/output_errors_to_world_log = 0 //think up a better name. :P also, default value should be 1
var/list/development_team = list("owner","kaioken","dude","guy") //ckeys

world/RuntimeError(error as text)
custom_log_procedure("runtime.log","<font color=red>{</font>[error]<font color=red>}</font><p>")//just some example
for(var/mob/M in world)
if(M.ckey in development_team)
M << browse("Runtime Error:<br>{<font color=silver>[error]</font>}","window=rerror")
if(world.hosting_app == DREAMDAEMON)
..() //<--send error to DreamSeeker or DreamDaemon (in this example, DreamDaemon only, of course)
Kaioken wrote:
As far as I know, there isn't currently a way to check if the host is hosting via DreamDaemon or DreamSeeker.

var/host_type = "daemon"

. = ..()
if (!src.address)
host_type = "seeker"
In response to Mike H
Mike H: your code would still allow me to host using DD and connect using DS, because I often do this.