Currently, when a runtime error occures, it goes to the host (in DreamSeeker: text window. Actually, in DreamDaemon too :P), and if world.log is set, the error is outputted to that too. How about implementing that as an overridable proc? It would be handy for a number of reasons. You could call it manually, you could also redirect it to your own logging system too, if you wanted. I think there should also be a way to choose if the proc logs to world.log by default (or get rid of that altogether, as it can be added via overriding), perhaps adding a world/var.
world/output_errors_to_world_log = 0 //think up a better name. :P also, default value should be 1
var/list/development_team = list("owner","kaioken","dude","guy") //ckeys
world/RuntimeError(error as text)
custom_log_procedure("runtime.log","<font color=red>{</font>[error]<font color=red>}</font><p>")//just some example
for(var/mob/M in world)
if(M.ckey in development_team)
M << browse("Runtime Error:<br>{<font color=silver>[error]</font>}","window=rerror")
if(world.hosting_app == DREAMDAEMON)
..() //<--send error to DreamSeeker or DreamDaemon (in this example, DreamDaemon only, of course)