<div class="edit_post"> <form action="http://members.byond.com/Jtgibson" method="get" name="edit_2" onsubmit="sendRequest('command=edit_post_ajax&post=23565&pos t_num=2','post_status_2','post_2'); return false;"/> <input type="submit" value="Edit"/> <input type="hidden" name="command" value="edit_post"/> <input type="hidden" name="post" value="23565"/> </form> </div>
Problem: "Error: Discarding unexpected </form>"
Cause: Opening <form> tag is self-closing.
Solution: Remove self-closing / from form tag.
Posted by Jtgibson on Saturday, December 02, 2006 02:34AM - <a href="http://members.byond.com/?command=view_comments&post=2 3660">4 comments</a>
Problem: "Warning: unescaped & or unknown entity "&post""
Cause: Old-format HTML topic link.
Solution: Replace ampersands with semicolons. Parse semicolons instead of ampersands. Alternately, replace all & symbols with & entities embedded directly in the link. See GET by URL.
Problem: "Warning: <img> lacks "alt" attribute"
Cause: Built-in images do not have alt attributes.
Solution: Add alt attributes to all automatically-inserted images; "large member icon", "hub icon for Scream of the Stickster", etc.
<a name="post_1"></a> <div class="post" id="post_1">
Problem: "Warning:
anchor "post_1" already defined"
Cause: <a> tag's name is "post_1"; <div> tag's ID attribute is "post_1"
Solution: Unknown. Some browsers may not support the id attribute as an anchor, though most modern browsers do -- <a> tag may be unnecessary depending on target browsers: consider removing <a> tag.
<h3 class="title">A not-so-unused placeholder any more
<span class="ajax_status" id="post_status_1"><img width=16 height=16 align="center" src="/images/pixel.gif"></span>
Problem: "Warning: <img> attribute "align" has invalid value "center""
Cause: align attribute was deprecated in HTML 4.01. "center" was replaced with "middle" to remove reliance on American English.
Solution: Replace align="center" with align="middle". Consider removing align attribute and adding text-align: center style to .ajax_status class. Ensure <img> tag is self-closing!
Problem: "Warning: <div> anchor "bottom_space" already defined"
Cause: Several boxes on the page all use the "bottom_space" ID.
Solution: Replace each unique occurrence with a unique ID. "bottom_space1", "bottom_space2", etc.
Cause: <a> tag's name is "post_1"; <div> tag's ID attribute is "post_1"
Solution: Unknown. Some browsers may not support the id attribute as an anchor, though most modern browsers do -- <a> tag may be unnecessary depending on target browsers: consider removing <a> tag.
<h3 class="title">A not-so-unused placeholder any more
<span class="ajax_status" id="post_status_1"><img width=16 height=16 align="center" src="/images/pixel.gif"></span>
Problem: "Warning: <img> attribute "align" has invalid value "center""
Cause: align attribute was deprecated in HTML 4.01. "center" was replaced with "middle" to remove reliance on American English.
Solution: Replace align="center" with align="middle". Consider removing align attribute and adding text-align: center style to .ajax_status class. Ensure <img> tag is self-closing!
<div id="bottom_space"><p> </ p><p> </p></div>
Problem: "Warning: <div> anchor "bottom_space" already defined"
Cause: Several boxes on the page all use the "bottom_space" ID.
Solution: Replace each unique occurrence with a unique ID. "bottom_space1", "bottom_space2", etc.
Basically all aspects of the site don't comply with the W3C standard, as I recall, and I like the idea of a move toward nice, pretty standardization of the Internet.