I think it would be better if there were a separate link, "Rules," up there with "Index-Preferences-Help," so that people could more easily find the rules. As it is, a newer user may not find the rules section of the forums, as they are perfectly capable of creating a post and do not feel that they are in need of "Help." However, I feel that a newer forum user would be more likely to click a link that says "Rules" in search of the forum rules than they would be to click "Help."

Lummox JR
Does signing it as "Lummox JR" have anything to do with Hedgemistress' suggestion about signing as someone else, or was this an honest mistake? >_>
In response to Popisfizzy
D'oh! I didn't even read her comment. =(

I did, however, read Elation's post, and made a comment without reading the previous comments (apparently coming to the same conclusion as hers). So much for originality...time to start signing as Hiead again.

I agree that the rules need to be moved from help. And while you guys are at it, I think the BYOND section on needs to be at the top, not the members section.