BYOND Version:499
Operating System:Windows 8 64-bit
Web Browser:Chrome 28.0.1500.72
Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Unverified

Thus far we've been unable to verify or reproduce this bug. Or, it has been observed but it cannot be triggered with a reliable test case. You can help us out by editing your report or adding a comment with more information.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
Often times when I go AFK in games for an extended period of time, the connection will time out when I tab the window back up.

Generally I'll see a bunch of in-game text spam outputted in the default output window as if my client was lagging and getting a bunch of text due to lag or something. At the end of the text flow, I'll get a connection timed out message.

I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but I thought it was worth mentioning in-case it was. It's terribly annoying when you go to program and come back timed out of a game you're in.

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
Login to a game, minimized it, and go AFK and do something else for a while. Go back, pull up the game, and you should see the same thing. If not, try and preform an action.

Expected Results:
I should be able to go away from my keyboard or minimize seeker for an extended period of time without timing out.

Actual Results:
I time out after an extended period of time being away from the window.

Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often?
This problem happens everytime.
In other games?
Yes, this problem happens in other games.
In other user accounts?
Yes, of course.
On other computers?
I have no idea. I'd assume not everyone has this issue.

When does the problem NOT occur?
I can't recall if it happened in Chatters or not. I know I d/ced and automatically reconnected while I was away. I just don't know if it was the same thing.

There is a possibility that it don't happen if there isn't a map interface. I'm not sure though, just a guess.

Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked?

I'm fairly sure it's happened in past versions. Although, I don't got version numbers for you.

None that I'm aware of.
Bump, so I can follow the thread. I posted with the wrong key.
+1 mostly in chat programs.
I have this exact same problem.
A connection timeout isn't necessarily always a bug. The server will disconnect inactive clients after a certain period of time, though it's usually very lenient on its standards of inactivity.

I think most of the cases where connections are dropped unexpectedly are more easily attributable to wireless networking. If you have a wireless router, I'd look at that as the main culprit.

I'm marking this Unverified because it needs a reproducible test case.
Lummox JR changed status to 'Unverified'