I would like either one of these to be implemented:

1. "Drag able" Option for labels, setting this option will allow for you to be able to click on this label and still be able to drag the window.

or at least

2. Labels drag able by default. Ability to drag a screen from a label is automatically present.

Note: "By Drag, I mean hold down and move the small size screen."

Not really needed but it would be nice to have.
just pop the label up in its own window?
In response to Falacy
what on earth are you talking about? What I am suggesting is to be able to drag the window while over a label.
In response to Lifehunter
well in responce to that, i say this!
what on earth are you talking about?
In response to Falacy
Make a label on the top of a window, when you click right of the label and drag the window moves. What I am asking for is a option to make the window drag when clicking a label.
In response to Lifehunter
y would u want to be able to drag a window by clicking on a label <.<
You can already accomplish this effect by disabling the labels. This will cause mouse clicks/drags/drops to that element to be passed directly to the window.

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