I think it'd be a nice addition, not to mention should be fairly easy to accomplish.

Fallenhero666 wrote:
I think it'd be a nice addition, not to mention should be fairly easy to accomplish.

You're right on the first part, but unfortunately Windows' alpha support is kinda spotty. I've looked into this myself, but at this time it's just not doable. It's definitely the kind of thing we'd like to figure out in the future, though, because it would definitely be cool.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
AFAIK, only windows2k+ has support for alpha layers in controls, I really think it is way to overdone by amateur programmers and I have yet to see any use for it unless you have multiple windows and want to make one semi transparent. Otherwise it is just annoying.
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
Fallenhero666 wrote:
I think it'd be a nice addition, not to mention should be fairly easy to accomplish.

You're right on the first part, but unfortunately Windows' alpha support is kinda spotty. I've looked into this myself, but at this time it's just not doable. It's definitely the kind of thing we'd like to figure out in the future, though, because it would definitely be cool.

Lummox JR

Very, hope you get something worked out

As for the apparent "Amature" Basis of Alpha Trans's, Let me give you some advice, When programming something (Especially a game) You should NEVER throw somthing away even if in your mind its considered "Amaturish" The game will always seem open to you, and you will always know exactly what goes on inside, even if it seems so damned simple.

But, the people playing it, Didnt make it, dont know whats going on, all they want is looks, so its best to fabricate somthing as easily as you can, to attain somthing a player will enjoy, or less irritating - And Alpha trans mean for easier control management - allowing for controls to be under another control (Such as a Map Window under a Chat input?)

So either way, Take the advice or leave it, up to you ;)