Broken down version:
Problem: Dream Daemon doesn't care what port you type in, if "ports" is defined in cfg/byond.txt. It just says "Dream Daemon FAILED to open port #!" if it isn't the port defined.
1. If you have a router, forward [port A] and [port B].
2. Go into cfg/byond.txt and put in "ports [port A]", excluding [port B].
3. Go into Dream Daemon and host something on [port A]. It works, right?
4. Now go and host something on [port B]. It doesn't work for me, it just says "Dream Daemon FAILED to open port [port B]!".
5. Change the ports in step 2 to "[port B]". Now if you try hosting on [port A], it won't let you. "Dream Daemon FAILED to open port [port A]!"
It'd be easier if Dream Daemon wouldn't lie to me and say it failed, even if it doesn't have to fail.
![]() Oct 15 2007, 11:37 am (Edited on Oct 15 2007, 1:45 pm)
Lummox JR