If DreamMaker has the option to upgrade the icons for use in 4.0, can people downgrading from 4.0 get an executable to downgrade the icons to a usable format? As for the alpha bits, make them solid.
It can't be done I don't think. It's just like how you can't install Windows XP with Vista as your current OS.
In response to Kakashi24142
Is that really a downgrade, though?

Unfortunately downgrading isn't done in Dream Maker, but I think you can always copy/paste your icon into paint to paste into an older version .dmi file.
In response to Kakashi24142
You can install XP over Vista and it's not like that. It's just a swapping of formats, like converting MP3 to OGG and vice-versa.
For proper backwards compatibility it should be possible to convert PNG/DMI -> Old-Style DMI, but I'm betting there are more priorities than just that.

-- Data