In response to Jittai
Jittai wrote:
I'm trying to save Khye from you and multiverse derailing up this thread. Not only are you guys arguing something in the most retarded and hostile manner but it has 0 validity to the issue the op was having.

yeah but i had sex with ur mum so ur gay


i bet u like penises
I win u lose.

/takes the voter's pick and runs off
You don't really need the : operator.
Click(var/atom/object, location, control, params)
var p[] = params2list(params)
if(p["middle"] && mob.wrapping && mob.chi >= 4)
flick("Warp", mob)
mob.chi -= 4
spawn(3) mob.loc = locate(location.x,
client/click handles interface clicking under location though, even though you supplied /turf/location wouldn't that break if you clicked the statpanel or interface?
In response to Rushnut
Rushnut wrote:
So you're saying, to have mouse tracking, there is no current way of doing it other than to update the vars when the mouse moves?

I never suggested there was another way, so your argument is null to begin with. All I was saying was that updating the vars is going to result in some amount of lag, which won't be as efficient as a game without mouse tracking for example.
In response to Magnum2k
Magnum2k wrote:
You don't really need the : operator.
> client
> Click(var/atom/object, location, control, params)
> var p[] = params2list(params)
> if(p["middle"] && mob.wrapping && mob.chi >= 4)
> flick("Warp", mob)
> mob.chi -= 4
> spawn(3) mob.loc = locate(location.x,
> location.y,
> location.z)

I can't specify it in the if statement because there are other skills that use the middle mouse button as well. Those have separate chi costs, so this is my workaround.

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