These may already be integrated, and im just not sure how to use them so if they are please be sure to tell me!
1. It would be nice to be able to set background color for individual cells so I dont have to mess with differant icon sizes to make sure it fills up the whole grid(When the cell is small like 3x9 pixels or something along those lines).
2. It would also be good to have an option for smaller grid cells to disable the scroller on the right hand side. I've got a grid that is 10/1 pixels/cell tall, and 156/20 pixels/cells wide. Because the grid isnt tall enough its got a little scroller on the right hand side that screws up the entire grid.
3. Scaling of icons to fit grids of constant sizes, if the grid space is 10x10, scale the icon to 10x10, instead of cropping the icon.
Jan 11 2008, 6:19 pm
In response to Lummox JR
Unfortunately I need to enter text in order to be able to use the background, and the idea is to use it as a slider, with no text on it, just the color.
I fixed it by just putting in a plus sign with the plus sign having the same font color as the background, thanks Lummox! Is there any fix for the scrollbar on the side of the grid? It makes the grid look off, and I don't have extra space, not to mention it doesn't do anything. |
In response to Lummox JR
Im using the grid as a form of input to create a slider, so if there are 10 spots
| | | | |X| | | | | | RED Neutral Green You can click the one all the way on the right, and the slider moves over coloring in from Neutral to Green. Unfortunately I have to use an object todo this because I can not use the grid for input directly. But when I use an object, it requires a name and doesn't use up all of the space, leaving an ugly blank on the side. |
Not really an option. You'd have to use the \icon macro or <img> tag instead.
Lummox JR