I'm sorry to be asking these kind of questions but I've been running into problems with dream seeker randomly not showing images that are in the rsc file.
Anyway what I'm asking is aproximatly what size of icon files can the rsc usually hold without running into problems with dream seeker reading them?
Also, is there any difference in having 3 or 4 huge icon files or 300 or 400 files that only have a couple of icon_states?
May 4 2008, 12:58 am
May 4 2008, 1:07 am
I'm not sure about the first question (I think unlimited, depending on the strength of the host's connection), however for your second: The 3 or 4 files will be easier to read while you're picking out files. However, I suggest around 50 files for 3-400 icons.
Hork wrote:
I'm sorry to be asking these kind of questions but I've been running into problems with dream seeker randomly not showing images that are in the rsc file. I'm not aware of any issue in newer versions that could cause this, except if you have the wrong icon_state or something set. It's possible this is a code issue. It's also possible there's a bug that hasn't been caught yet, but it'd help to see an example. Also, is there any difference in having 3 or 4 huge icon files or 300 or 400 files that only have a couple of icon_states? In general, you're probably better off with the former. It takes up fewer slots in your .rsc file and it's easier to transfer the icons all at once than a bit at a time. Lummox JR |