May 13 2008, 11:21 am
I realize that sleep 1 between two functions is a very short amount of time to wait. Also I realize that if you put no sleep between two functions that it would not wait for the next one to happen and therefore all of it would happen instantly. But what about icon files? what if you would put a 0 above all the states in a moving icon to make it even faster? The only reason I suggest this is because there are sprites out there that have many, many states in their movment. Take a megaman sheet I found before. For megaman X's walking state there are many different shots of him moving. When you put all of them together it would look nice if it moved VERY fast, but with the fastest wait you can currently give it, it looks like hes moving his feet very slowly. There are other sprites like this as well. So the ability to make the wait between the sprites even less would help alot im sure. Is this possible?
In response to Lummox JR
Why can't we just have the ability to set a smaller delay? Because when you have a server that's running, a low world.tick_lag value is not what you want.
In response to Kakashi24142
Because a smaller delay doesn't exist.
In response to Kakashi24142
Because a server sends out one packet to each client, per tick. If you want something to happen in between two packets, then you need to send a third packet. This is accomplished by lowering tick_lag.
In response to Garthor
Well, an icon's delay would have nothing to do with the server, since that's handled locally by the client. I can see what he means, though. You really don't want to lower the tick too much, especially in an online server. And the amount you can safely lower it may not give you the smooth animations you want.
Really, tick_lag and icon animations shouldn't be directly related. It makes more sense to separate them. |
In response to Xooxer
I could've sworn somebody was talking about sleep() here...
In response to Popisfizzy
Here if you want to have fast icons. You change the tick_lag to 0
and youll really have fast stuff going everything response very quickly. |
In response to Mr.Kitten
A server with lots of players + world/tick_lag = 0 is utter crap, I tell you...
In response to Mr.Kitten
You should set tick_lag to a number according to the number of frames per second you want. Setting it to zero makes it arbitrarily as fast as possible and wrecks animation rates.
The simplest method of setting it is: world/tick_lag = 10 / FRAMES_PER_SECOND Sleeps will still occur in terms of 1/10 seconds, not in ticks, so if you want to sleep for 1 tick you must sleep for sleep(world.tick_lag) instead of sleep(1). |
That wouldn't make sense, for the same reason you already stated: The next frame would appear instantly. What you want is something that's faster than the current 1/10 second tick speed. To accomplish this, just set world.tick_lag to a lower value.
Lummox JR