Applies to:DM Language
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Based on id:1335366, and other reports of hosts sticky banning game developers hub owners.

The name I've suggested for such a procedure is probably awful, but yeah...

Assumingly, it'd work like CheckPassport() or IsByondMember().

world.CheckHubAuth(hub = world.hub, password = world.hub_password) - by default, it'd check the world's configuration, but you can provide your own to check other hubs. Since the hub_password is automatically hashed when setting it, I doubt it'd be that much of a security risk.

Server sends signal to BYOND -> asks the hub, "hub's password == password provided by server?" -> sends back TRUE / FALSE signal. Hub password can be a pretty useful tool, but hiding servers from the hub doesn't stop people from joining "rogue" servers. Using hub_password to disable their ability to host would be much more effective, along with hub_password's default ability of hiding servers that just aren't from that game.

world/OpenPort(port = "none") // Dream Seeker
if(port != "none" && !world.CheckHubAuth()) return 0

if(world.port && !world.CheckHubAuth()) // Dream Daemon

or something.
I too find this to be useful. :P