Really mad at the fact that there is no attention to Original games and that Anime games get more attention i decided to make a new game called CubeMon the game will be original and it will not have Pokemon icons in it or name of Pokemons. Instead of having Poke balls being thrown at CubeMons it will be Cubes colorful cubes. But to complete the game i need a pixel artist that has a big imagination to create it's own Cubemons i know it's hard to create things that you don't know how to create it but to come up with your own things. I also need a professional programmer myself will also program but i'm a immediate programmer so i need someone aside me to do hard stuff for me.
In the end people that like Pokemon and Original games will like Cubemon.

First ever CubeMon Sketch. by Me.
I'll also donate all the subscription money to BYOND.