I was just wondering if it was possible to set custom bounds for isometric tiles? Things work fine if you stay within the basic shape of the BYOND isometric tile, however if your icon goes outside this shape, you get a lot of unwanted overlaps. Some images to further explain what I mean:

Here is the basic isometric tile created in DM.

Here is two tiles next to one another that go outside that basic shape.

Here is where I would like to add the a custom isometric bounding box (same size as the basic tile) to these tiles.

Is there an efficient way to do this?
If all you're trying to do is go into the z-axis, you'll have to handle that yourself. The built-in movement has no native support for 3D. It's the same in non-isometric.
No, changing the z-axis of the mob or the turf will not help as far as I can tell. I have the height difference between the turfs (OP:image 2) sorted without the need to change the z-axis. My problem is that it ends up being a visual eyesore.

As you can see, my mob is technically still within the bounds of the sand turf, however looking at it, he is half in the (dense) water.

The third image in my original post shows how I would like to give each turf a sort of isometric walkway of sorts, allowing my mobs to walk on what I decide is the surface of each turf and stop them from walking onto the sides. So a mob could not walk off the edge of the sand and into the water, but could walk onto the adjoining sand turfs.

Is this currently feasable, or even possible as a feature request?
In response to Danny Roe
You mean the sand by water is one icon? That's odd.
No, the sand and the water are seperate icons. The water icon is about 7 pixels shorter, giving it the appearance that it is lower down.
In response to Danny Roe
When I look at your fourth image, the mob isn't on the sand at all. You realize the bounds in your original post are still perfectly aligned with the grid, right?
Of course it is still on the sand. I just have my mobs layer set to be above everything else. Here is the image again, then with the water icon removed.

The grid that the mob walks on would be at the bottom of the sand and water icons, as opposed to being on the surface as I would like them to be.