Could any sort of file permissions system be added to BYOND? Maybe just basic read-only or hide-access for Windows, and chmod for Linux systems. This could be useful in trying to keep people from tinkering or messing with files as they're being written (if they're not being written all at once). If this were set to only access the current directory and subdirectories, it shouldn't be able to cause any damage, either.
For Linux you can use shell(). Windows probably has some kind of method of doing this as well. It would have a security popup outside of trusted mode, but it should anyways.

shell("chmod 700 [my_file]")
You could probably manage this by writing your own VFS that you access, instead of the file() procs directly.
In response to Nadrew
Nadrew wrote:
(...)Windows probably has some kind of method of doing this as well.

Depending if you still have a cmd (DOS-Shell) prompt, you can use attrib
+ [Set a sign]
- [Remove a sign]
R Read-only
A To be archived
S System-file
H Hidden-file