(See the best response by NNAAAAHH.)
I play SS13.

My window goes not responding wayyy to often, I've tried re-installing/deleting my cache. This is starting to get very aggravating is there any fix for this?
Best response

This is a reported bug, one which has yet to be assigned a status. You can post there, if you would like.
"Not responding" doesn't equate to crash. That's not the same bug.
It goes not responding and will stay that way unless it comes out of it, it won't crash all the way unless I make it.
In response to RebelAmerica
So, it's not anything like described in the report?

It sounded like you meant that the game would freeze until window's 'the window is not responding' message pops up and then tells you the program couldn't be recovered, only giving you the option to close it. if it is just locking up for seconds at a time; it sounds like a poor-programming issue; likely involving smaller loops that don't delay properly.
It's a little bit like it you could say, it'll just sit not responding until I hit the X usually.

Also, why does Dream Seeker take up 70-80% of my CPU when it goes not responding, I have games that are 10x more demanding and don't take that much