(See the best response by FKI.)

Problem description:
Now I have done some research and other people seem to be able to stack turfs. What I was trying to do was have a soil for the bottom turf and then on top these patches of grass. It gives it a more unique feel in my opinion.

I'm not much of a mapper though. My issue is that when I attempt to stack the grass on top of the soil, it deletes the tile it replaces it instead, leaving most of the first spot completely void. How do I accomplish what I am aiming for?
Best response
Do you have Options -> Click Behavior set to "insert new instance?"
Ah, thank you. I had no idea that existed.
Alternatively you could do CTRL+Click, but it's better you follow FKI's advice to avoid future confusion.
I've also been reading the bottom-most turf will become an underlay to the top? Is that true?
I believe so, because two turfs cannot really exist in the same location.
So I would either have to have them all on the same icon_state, or perhaps instead just change the area's icon to the soil instead.
In response to Khye
That's correct. Any turfs beneath the topmost turf get compiled into an underlay (in order) and attached to the remaining turf at runtime.

To simulate that, it's something like this.

var/list/olays = list()
var/turf/t = loc
image(icon = t.icon, icon_state = t.icon_state, dir = t.dir, layer = t.layer),

After that has been gathered, create the new turf, and add olays to it's underlays.
I don't mean to bump an old topic, but I'm also having the problem stated in the top. Thing is;

Yes, I do have Insert Instance selected.

And even if I switch it off and try to Ctrl+Click to do it the alternate way, nothing happens.

I somehow managed to stack two tufs in the past, but I can't do it the way specified as the best answer in this thread.
Are you trying to stack fully-opaque turfs on top of each other? You can only stack turfs when there is at least one pixel of <255 alpha in the state.
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
Are you trying to stack fully-opaque turfs on top of each other? You can only stack turfs when there is at least one pixel of <255 alpha in the state.

Ah, okay. I'll try that, because the other one had a few spots missing from it purposely.