Some possible fixes for the command stacking problem:
1. Have a variable for command_stacking. Possibly even client-sided so it can be changed per-player. For:
A. The way it works now, where no commands are lost at all.
B. The way it worked before, where some(?) commands were lost.
C. No commands will be stacked at all, all extras lost.
2. Assuming you can only stack commands by using a macro of some sort (whether built in or custom made), and not by spam clicking an actual verb (which seems to be the case):
Allow devs the options to:
A. Prevent multi-lined custom macros. This should be added regardless as a "security" feature.
B. Allow macros to be "paired". This way key down/up macros won't continually stack and execute in order, but instead just use the last key up. Sort of like whats mentioned in 3 below.
3. Stack clearing. When buttons stop being spammed, clear the list of currently stacked commands. Or, only retain any key-up commands remaining for any keys that are currently "down", but only one for each key.
On a somewhat related note: Any keys that are currently down should automatically be considered released when application focus is lost.
Possibly a specific setting for key-down macros should be added, this would more or less be the "paired" macro type mentioned above.
Aug 10 2009, 7:19 am (Edited on Aug 10 2009, 10:17 am)
In response to Chowder
Chowder wrote:
Edit: All the other posts in the topic disappeared. o.o? That sub-thread was entirely irrelevant to this topic, and was started by Popisfizzy doing what looked like purposefully looking for a way to take a jab at the OP, so it's no surprise that a moderator deleted it. From the start, it was clear that Falacy wasn't speaking about "stacking" in regards to a technical programming term or a data structure, so all the discussion of them didn't matter here. Just because somebody used a normal word that happens to also be the name of something specific in a certain field doesn't mean he was referring to that special usage of the word. |
This may also work as a numerical variable. A setting for how many commands will be stored at most, 0 through whatever the current max is, if there even is one.
My biggest problem with this now is the key-down key-up combos though. You can stack commands even on a local server using them. What I'd like to see is a specific setting for these (as mentioned above) and then any additional key-down/key-ups between the first down and the last up would just be discarded. |
Edit: All the other posts in the topic disappeared. o.o?
As they were saying buffer would probably be a better term to use not stack but who cares really. o.o
Yeah anyways direct keyboard checks in general would be nice to have. o.o