I've found in my adventures on BYOND that you can actually get away with having a key that looks exactly like someone else's key in the fonts most commonly use in BYOND projects. For example, "Felix" looks identical to "FeIix"(feiix), or "Crystal" looks the same as "CrystaI"(crystai). I'm asking that BYOND disallow the creation of such keys, as it is pretty much a #1 way to impersonate someone you don't like.
I'm not asking that the keys that have already been created under these conditions be deleted, but to stop future issues from popping up and causing people grief that could had been prevented.
I request that on the creation of a key, cases of a capital 'i' be tested against other previously created keys as if those 'i's were lower case 'l's, and if an identical match is found that the key would not be allowed to be created. Possibly vice versa as well.
![]() Jul 18 2013, 11:44 pm
Not Feasible
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![]() Jul 18 2013, 11:45 pm
Or you could just go make all the keys that could possibly look similar, right now. And prevent anyone from doing it to you.
Generally, if someone does this all you have to do is make a complaint and the 'imposter' key will be banned from accessing BYOND. Can't be deleted outright, as that wouldn't solve much.
I realize there's 1001 ways to stop someone once they've started doing it, or set it up so they can't do it to you, but what if you don't know about it? Or you're taking an absence and didn't think of it? I'm not saying this for my own sake, I'm saying it per the benefit of BYOND as a whole. It can be hard to disprove someone who impersonates you to those who they impersonated to.
How exactly do you propose that they go about dis-allowing these names? Not allowing a capital 'i' anywhere in a key? Cause, it's a bit ridiculous to request something that would entirely prevent people from doing something they should be free to do, in making keys defining their name to suit them. If someone is actually trying to impersonate you and you do not know about it, then it must not be big enough for you to care. Simply having a similar name isn't automatically a impersonation. Say someone named them-self NNAA44HH, that's not a impersonation of me until they do something that would lead me to believe they are claiming to be me. To which, once aware, I would report the account and request termination of said account.
I actually tried to explain this, guess I failed. My theory is that you would do some text tests on the name, simple stuff. Any case where a capital 'I'(eye) is found in a key trying to be created, you would test the key as if it has lower case 'l'(el) in the place of that letter. Thus if someone tried creating the key "FaII"(faii), it would test to see if the key "Fall" existed, and if so it wouldn't allow the key, as vice versa "lliana"(iiiana) would fail if the key "Iliana"(iliana) existed. Simple really.
I realize it's not something that BYOND would 'need', and perhaps the only reason I thought of it is because I'm a tad paranoid, but I think BYOND would be a tad more secure if it were the case. I'll give you a better example of an issue that could arise from it. In my standing at game "Dungeon Master", in the past I've actually had a situation where I simply 'asked' one of the head admins to grant me appropriate powers, as in the version I was in I wasn't hard coded, but I was trusted enough to hold them. I ended up getting said powers and resumed as normal. I realize that there should simply be a stronger security in game for how powers are handed out, but my point is if I'm able to do that in that case, someone else could do it for another possibly less extreme situation. Maybe in an RPG you pretend to be someone else saying "I just made a new character guys, come help me level up real fast!". You could be using that persons reputation to get people to aid you. I'm not saying the person will exactly 'ruin your reputation' or anything, or even cause you any real deep issues. It just seems logical to me to stop such things from happening before they 'can' happen. This wouldn't exactly be limiting key generation very much either, it would only be disabling keys that are pretty much already taken. That said, I realize that this isn't 'required', but it would put my paranoid mind to rest, and probably a few other folks too. |
So I'm clear, the method of doing this wouldn't disable "Faii" from being creating, just if those two 'ii's were capitalized. (That is if Fall(fall) was taken)
Now that I think about it I should get even more exact, this method wouldn't even disable the use of "faII"(faii), just if the names looked exactly the same such as "FaII","Fall","FaIl", and "FalI", not "Fail","Faii","fail", or any other mix that wasn't 'exactly' the same outside of the replaced 'l'(el)s and replaced 'I'(eyes).
I could see this being a problem in perfectly legitimate, innocent cases, and it would be a pain in the butt to implement. Ban-on-report has worked perfectly fine before.