In response to Falacy
Uh, that was more or less my point? He's saying everything would have to be diamond shaped to work in iso land.

No. You are saying that because the area is diamond-shaped, everything within the area has to be diamond shaped. SuperAntx is saying that because the default BYOND icons existed within a square-shape, everything must be square-shaped. Like basketballs.

This is obviously not the case, now is it?
In response to Falacy
Isometric mode isn't some godly new graphical mode (like 3D would be)

but then you'd be complaining that dreammaker doesn't take your 2D sprites and magically make them 3D

my advice is to shut up until the bugs are worked out
In response to Falacy
Falacy wrote:
Uh, that was more or less my point? He's saying everything would have to be diamond shaped to work in iso land.

That's surprisingly not what I said, but okay!

Just curious, how many of us have to tell you something before the point gets across? 'Cause we're all kinda sick of arguing with you now. We have stuff we want to do today.
In response to Falacy
Yes, that's great. But have they made it at all easier (or even possible) to easily design isometric graphics?

I'm pretty sure Tiberath already showed you this. It would be nice in the future if BYOND created the diamond-shaped area for you if you're in isometric mode (or if the icon was made in isometric mode). In fact, that seems like a necessity so people know the proper area. But it's a beta. There's a reason it's a beta. I don't see what you don't understand about that.

So any previously designed icons (like basic humanoid sprites) will no longer work? Doesn't sound backwards compatible to me, and doesn't even make much sense; seeing as they should work fine in an iso-mode.

Any previously designed icons that were not designed for isometric mode will not work in isometric mode. That has nothing to do with backwards compatibility.

Isometric icons are icons that exist in a diamond-shaped area. Your icons area drawn in a square-shaped area. Not only would the parts of the icon that don't exist within the diamond be cut off, it still wouldn't be isometric. And why is that? Because isometric icons are drawn from a specific perspective. There is a "left side," a "right side," and a "top." BYOND cannot create this for you. It's just plain impossible.

You can drawn ANYTHING you want. You can draw circles, square, hexagons. Heck, you could even draw squiggly lines! As long as it's within the diamond-shaped area. Pretty easy, huh?
In response to Audeuro
Audeuro wrote:
Explain to me how this works? The whole point of using a PNG is not its dynamic dimensions. You generally have a better reason than that.

Uh, yes it is? The whole point of using pngs on BYOND would indeed be their "dynamic dimensions". I can't even think of another reason for it?
Any non-animated graphic that is larger than a 32x32 box usually defaults to a .png
In response to Falacy
Most people I know use PNGs mostly because they have a different editor that they prefer, and PNGs have the smallest sizes for their given graphics. Alternatively, they also use a different editor because they want larger than a 32x32 icon, which is now a moot point anyways. Either way, they usually use static dimensions.
Complaining about features you have no idea how to use isn't worth keeping an open thread about.

Wait until you know what you're doing before you complain.

As others who actually have information about the release and an idea of how it works have made clear; the new isometric system works rather well... if you know how to use it.

By the public release there should be more information for you to use.
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