Falacy has stated this in 'About Iconshare':
"Your server's hard drive has failed. I have attempted to rescue data off of it with no luck. The drive will not show up in bios. Should we proceed with an OS reinstall for you?
Brandon Gilmer
Razor Servers"
I'm not exactly sure what this means for IconShare, but i'm pretty sure it means that the system as we know it, and all of the icons on it, are gone.
I say we work together as a team. All we need is a system that allows us to share the icons really. We build a new IconShare. Most of us have collected an amount of icons, gathered from IconShare over the years. Unfortunately, mine all disappeared when my Boot.exe file disappeared and i had to re-install Windows on my comp.
That aside, i'm sure plenty of you still have at least some icons from IconShare. If we manage to get an icon sharing byond program online, we could all pitch in with icons we already have or have made, to make a new IconShare.
I mean, i'm pretty sure IconShare wasn't always as amazingly grand as it was when last active. Just start from scratch, and with a little boost by icons gathered already from IconShare, this should make for amazingly fast reproduction speed, if we should get another icon sharing Byond program up.
Please, leave any notes or feedback. I'm willing to make a replacement program, but I will need some support, to know people are interested in the idea.
![]() Jul 18 2013, 1:14 pm
![]() Jul 20 2013, 9:43 am
i have a few icons the i can post so im up to help you with this
I just lol'd hard. You do realize he said that jokingly, right? He was mocking the person whom he was replying to. Don't try to bring back iconshare - It won't work.
I created my own IconShare
http://www.byond.com/games/undefeatedsaiyans/dmidownload |
It's only temporary until falacy brings his back up, and if you hate it that much, make your own. Unless you suck. (you do) I've never used icon share but alot of people liked it, so I decided to make my own.