This may be a feature, or lack thereof, but it's really annoying me - would you be able to make an option to allow the user to choose whether or not, when they make a new version of an edited object on the map, it should inherit 'edited' attributes.

I make wall
I give wall suffix "special"
I forget that I did so, and make other walls
All walls afterwards inherit the suffix "special"

You need to deselect the instance you made when you changed the suffix variable, and select the default instead, iirc.
In response to DarkCampainger
DarkCampainger wrote:
You need to deselect the instance you made when you changed the suffix variable, and select the default instead, iirc.

There's actually some oddities with this, for multitiled icons. Keeth is going to be saying something on the matter in a bit.
The map editor is treating atoms with multi-tiled icons very oddly. After placing said atom on the map, if you edit one of the blocks (say an atom with a 64x64 icon, it'll cut it into 4 blocks/tiles), it does not create a new instance in the instance box. Instead, it somehow saves every modification to any of the blocks, and when placing another instance of the atom on the map again, will carry all of those modifications over to the newly created blocks.