I wish to see a Minimize to Tray feature. Many other programs have this useful little function for clearing their programs from a cluttered task-bar. I would like to see it so each individual dream-created game get's its own icon(owner implemented) to know which is which. Possible solutions for it could be winset(src,main,"tray=1") or something similar. and to restore it a simple double click would be nice.
I believe I suggested this before. It would indeed open a few more options. One which comes to mind is a messenger type of design. Maybe chatters might benefit from such a feature?

As for implementation here is some ideas:
//Controlling to and from tray
winset(O,"id","tray= 0 or 1")

//Balloon msgs
TrayMsg(O,"The message")

You might add a tray menu using the current api approach as is done with main menus.

Most of the programs I currently use either directly support minimizing to tray or it is available through a plugin. Using the tray is nice when you want to conserve taskbar space. I realize windows offers grouping windows in a button by type which makes that a poor reason for the addition. There is advantages to allowing the feature however, some of which are not immediately apparent.

I am in favor of the request and hope it will receive some consideration. If there are reasons why it can't be implemented, some counter posts offering constructive/positive reasons would be much appreciated.

*Other posts referencing tray icon*
In response to Jeff8500
This has been requested many times(but not since 4.0 that I know of) and has been shot down for one reason or another. A workaround is to use a third party tool such as "TrayIt" to do the job for BYOND. One advantage of TrayIt is that it can tray any program.

Luckily Windows 7 has a new "dock" style taskbar that is a lot less prone to clutter.
In response to Danial.Beta
Danial.Beta wrote:
This has been requested many times(but not since 4.0 that I know of) and has been shot down for one reason or another. A workaround is to use a third party tool such as "TrayIt" to do the job for BYOND. One advantage of TrayIt is that it can tray any program.

Luckily Windows 7 has a new "dock" style taskbar that is a lot less prone to clutter.

TaskSwitchXP also does this, and I believe it's certified by MS themselves, plus, it does other neat things like an enhanced alt tab menu, etc.
In response to Ghtry
Daniel.Beta, and DivineTraveller, those are great and nice applications, however It's not BYOND as you said it is third-party software. You cannot pass popup balloons as Ghtry said earlier to them. They cannot flash as the BYOND Pager does when a message is received.
In response to Leur
Leur wrote:
Daniel.Beta, and DivineTraveller, those are great and nice applications, however It's not BYOND as you said it is third-party software. You cannot pass popup balloons as Ghtry said earlier to them. They cannot flash as the BYOND Pager does when a message is received.

If you're really interested in popup balloons, grab some javascript and make 'em. It's not overly difficult to do, once you have said clients resolution. If you want me to explain it more, catch me in irc.
In response to DivineTraveller
Just some food for thought but all these hi-tech methods are not going to help the poor end user. Especially users lacking knowledge of 3rd party programs and such. I am willing to bet that those users also stick with the default safe run level. So the suggestion warrants some merit.
In response to Ghtry
On the contrary, users will host at whatever they're told to. Most 'big' DBZ games cruise in trusted mode because of either their storage solutions or control measures.