First, I'll explain the current situation, and then ask for a bit of your help.
For the entirety of this post, I am speaking about sounds, and not "mod" or "midi" which are different than sounds.
To sum up the sound system in byond, you have a /sound datum that takes a sound file, and some settings via variables, and is sent to a client to be played via the << operator. All settings of the sound are supported on all clients except for one little setting, and that's the echo variable. The echo variable is used to give the sound its own unique real-time "space" and ambience, just like a reverb effect. The problem is echo isn't compatible with all sound cards. Alternatively, we are given sound.environment which works on all of my machines, and I'm willing to bet all of your machines too, but unfortunately sound.environment is global. That means you can't play an .ogg song unaffected by reverb while sound effects which are affected by .environment are playing. In other words, if your footsteps echo in a stone room, your song also echo's in the stone room. Same thing goes for GUI noises and menu sound effects which is actually pretty strange feeling. .echo was provided to allow you to make the footsteps echo and the music play unaffected, but its all for not as .echo hardly works on most machines.
This brings me to the next part of the post, where you come in. I need someone, for whom this .echo variable actually works to mess about with some settings to get a very OBVIOUS echo setting to work on your machine and post it here. My plan is to then take this echo setting and pop it into a project that anyone can run. I will then ask if people can hear the difference between the dry and wet sound and record the results in a poll. I'm hoping there's enough people that won't hear the echo results (just like me) so that we can convince the developers its worth their time to do something about this.
Here's the project for setting up an echo structure and getting it to play back in game (includes a sound)
Your goal for now is to get the echo structure to return a very obvious sounding echo and reply back here with the values / code. Then I'll package that up and put it in a new post where we can have people download the project and click on the verb. If they don't hear an echo, they give a no vote. If there's enough no votes, we have a data pool that shows we need a fix.
- Please download this:
- Open the code, change echo settings in build_echo() until you get a very obvious sounding echo
- Post the code you used to get that obvious echo!
P.s. this post has an end-tag bug</<>
Setting dry.environment to 1 - 25 seems to crash the client upon closing it.