I would like to request that it be possible to name states of a animated state like when you make a animated icon state be able to name the states within that.

I find it would be useful as it saves space and time for iconers so they dont have to make a extra blocking icon state just to make the pose hold when they could just code it so it swaps to the icon state thats already in the animated one insted of having to make a seperate copy.
Mastergamerxxx wrote:
I find it would be useful as it saves space and time ... so it swaps to the icon state thats already in the animated one insted of having to make a seperate copy.

This would be more time consuming.
If you think about it programming wise, using something like flick() would need another argument when it's current 2 are perfectly fine.
Also, this isn't going to compress the .dmi even more, so it's not hurting/helping either way.