Naruto: Evolution

by Crazah
Naruto: Evolution
A new upcoming original Naruto game.
for everyone that saw my last accident-post sorry, apparently I can't post correctly XD. Well I just wanted to say that wow, I haven't played this in a long time.. But I'm sure sad to see the server down :(. It may be a rip, but it definitely isn't the worst game by far which is what I have gathered from reading only a couple posts on this forum, but hey, I want to offer my hosting ability if you are in need of it. I host 24/7, lagless, and don't require anything in return, just looking to play a good game ^^. Done with NNGs and GOAs. My name is Emily, and my key is Blade Swipe. If you need prove of my hosting, or would wish to allow me to host, send me a page please Crazah ^^. thankyou:).
Been reading that Crazah has retired from BYOND, or this game at least, so this goes to whoever can help in answer my question accurately, thankyou^^.
is there ganna b a naruto: evllution