For some strange reason, I can't join any servers for most of the games I've tried. When I join The Saloon on Mikau's Windows server, it shows that client/Del() is being executed on me and that's about all I've been allowed to test. I can join Icon Ultima on the Tibbius server, but I can't join My Life as a Spy on the same server (and just a few ports away). I can join Ultimatum, as well.
All of this worked fine the other day, and it works on neither my desktop nor my laptop. My desktop is running Ubuntu w/ Wine and my laptop is running Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. I have no firewall installed on Windows (disabled built-in firewall), and my desktop is only running iptables (no rules setup for it). The client/Del() being called shows that I'm actually connecting, and Wireshark shows a little bit of data being exchanged before I'm immediately disconnected (the splash screen saying "joining" will say "joining" for a little bit, then just sort of disappear with no word on what might have happened).
Any idea what's up with that?
Oh, and I'm on my university network. They don't do any port filtering from my experiences so far (I run a git server and a webserver on a netbook in the corner of my entertainment center) and nothing has drastically changed in the past few days that would cause my issues.
[EDIT #2]
I've also attempted re-installing BYOND. I un-installed it, deleted all of my configuration files (both C:\Program Files (x86)\BYOND as well as My Documents\BYOND) and called it good there. I'm running 480.
[EDIT #3]
Oh, and the Guest key allows me to login just fine.
Mar 4 2011, 8:17 pm (Edited on Mar 4 2011, 8:25 pm)
Mar 4 2011, 8:34 pm
Please repost this to the bug tracker. Particularly we'd like to know if this behavior is version dependent (eg, did it work on 479 and is now broken in 480)?