Raptr being the universal instant messenger I use to keep track of my game time ( ). Basically, it picks up dreamseeker as NEStalgia ( so if I have Raptr runing when dreamseeker is going, it logs me as having spent time playing NEStalgia.

For example, Playing Space Station 13? Raptr is going to show you're playing NEStalgia. Playing one of the anime games around here? The same. I have logged 12 hours of game time in Raptr as playing NESTalgia because I have spent that at least that long testing my own game .exe running Dreamseeker.

Currently, there's about 16,573 hours logged on Raptr for BYOND games... all of it titled as NEStalgia.

Now, I can respect that Silk wants people to see where NEStalgia is so he can bring in new players. I can also respect that NEStalgia is a pretty good face for BYOND. However, I have to say I find it pretty disrespectful to the other BYOND game creators that anyone who happens to be logging their game time with Raptr is shown as playing NEStalgia instead of whatever game they were playing (unless that game happens to be NEStalgia). [Edit: Apparently Silk has no idea how it ended up on there.]
Well, I wouldn't assume that BYOND or Silk had anything to do with setting that profile up. Doing some Googling, it looks like any user can request a new game be added to their database, and it looks like a NEStalgia player beat us to the punch. You could probably request they change it via their forums.

Looks like someone did, but they didn't follow-up with the admin:
In response to DarkCampainger
Well spotted. Guess I'll drop a message there to continue the thread.

I'm pretty sure that Silk did submit his game to Raptr, what with all the assets and company names and whatnot involved in that. However, I really don't blame him for that. Who doesn't want to promote his game? Especially an excellent labor of love like NEStalgia. Edit: No, apparently he did not.

I just hate having my Raptr profile lie to people about what I've been up to lately.
In response to Geldonyetich
Geldonyetich wrote:
I'm pretty sure that Silk did submit his game to Raptr, what with all the assets and company names and whatnot involved in that.

I don't even know what the hell Raptr is.

With all of the exposure that NEStalgia has received it's understandable how an external site could make the mix up though, and much more plausible than me having some sort of evil plan to take over the world.
In response to SilkWizard
I was thinking more along the lines of, "hey, why not submit my game to Raptr" and them getting confused and bungling it thusly than you having an "evil plan to take over the world."

But, that said, sounds like you're telling me you have no idea how it ended up on there. Oh well, you're exonerated. I just hope Raptr's admins get off their arse and fix it so my profile will stop getting mucked up with what hours I logged where.
In response to Geldonyetich
Geldonyetich wrote:
I was thinking more along the lines of, "hey, why not submit my game to Raptr" and them getting confused and bungling it thusly than you having an "evil plan to take over the world."

Oh good, so you didn't do what the average BYOND ignoramus does and reflexively jump to some sort of crazy negative conclusion about me.

"I have to say I find it pretty disrespectful to the other BYOND game creators that anyone who happens to be logging their game time with Raptr is shown as playing NEStalgia instead of whatever game they were playing (unless that game happens to be NEStalgia)."

...Not that I care on a personal level. It's just unfortunate that people here are like that.

Geldonyetich wrote:
But, that said, sounds like you're telling me you have no idea how it ended up on there. Oh well, you're exonerated. I just hope Raptr's admins get off their arse and fix it so my profile will stop getting mucked up with what hours I logged where.

Good to know that I'm "exonerated" from committing a crime that really doesn't sound like that big of a deal.
In response to SilkWizard
You know, for a fellow who is maligning me over jumping to accusations about him, I'd like to point out that you could have chosen to interpret, "I have to say I find it pretty disrespectful to the other BYOND game creators that anyone who happens to be logging their game time with Raptr is shown as playing NEStalgia instead of whatever game they were playing (unless that game happens to be NEStalgia)" as not necessarily implying you're the one being disrespectful so much as whoever's responsible for Raptr reporting dreamseeker as being NEStalgia. Or perhaps that Raptr itself (or rather, those behind it) are (hopefully inadvertantly) disrespecting other BYOND game creators by misreporting their games.

Believe it or not, I did initially write that sentence bearing in mind that I could not confirm that you were really the party involved even though the level of detail that went into the Raptr submission lead it a reasonably high probability in my mind up until you refuted it. This being the difference between "pretty sure" and "certain."

But then, I don't blame you for being jumpy what with all the defending you've had to do over your Derek Smartian pride of your creations. Speaking as an individual who occasionally finds himself out on the balcony laughing madly at those poor fools who will never understand my genius - figuratively speaking - I can sympathize.
In response to Geldonyetich

Well, hopefully you can move on. I wish you the best of luck with the games you're developing. If anything you do here on BYOND matters, it's that, and certainly not worrying about what I'm doing.
In response to SilkWizard
SilkWizard wrote:
I wish you the best of luck with the games you're developing. If anything you do here on BYOND matters, it's that, and certainly not worrying about what I'm doing.

And to you, good sir. In truth, my challenge has always been finishing games before I get distracted on some strange tangent or another. If I could manage to turn out one with half the level of refinement you put into your game, I think I should be able to rest relatively content that I've accomplished something of measurable value.