
by Blast3r
Currently off fixing some glitches
Not sure what I think, it's pretty simplistic. So I'm not sure what you exactly wanted feedback on.
One thing I noticed is that my character seemed to get snagged occasionally.
Also the movement seemed a bit slow to respond.(not sure if that was intentional)

Also there seems to be no penalty for hitting slimes so I was curious why they are even there?

Anyway, I'm sure it will be better with a bit of polish like you plan to add. Good job so far with a basis.
Im working on the density issues that cause the character to get stuck at times, also yeah it's supposed to move slowly, might be changing this, however.

About the penalty thing, sorry it's cuz I haven't been able to upload the update game , in which onc the slimes hit you, you'll be reset to the spawn of the level(the beginning of that level)

Thanks for the feedback :P
Add my Skype Glimmer! Kooldude5999

Blas3r use Bump() for when the slime bumps into the player to make him restart.
Bump(M as mob) //Bumps into a mob
if(M == client) // checks if the M is a usr
src.loc = locate(1,1,1) // change the 1,1,1 to the beging(bad grammar) to the level
winshow()// change the winshow of the level for it can be reset.
iight ya I was gonna do something similar, just have been busy lately and haven't had anytime to work on game, should have some free time later on in the day
Yeah don't use my programming.
<---- noob programmer.
Just a thought but I'd hate to have to restart a level just cause I get hit once. It would make me quit.
Maybe give the player 3 chances. With different color slimes taking different amount of chances from the player?
Lmfao dude that excatly wat I had in mind:

Green: 3 hits
Blue: 2 hits
Red: 1 hit
In response to Blast3r
Good deal :)
HP = 3
Bump(M as mob) //Bumps into a mob
if(M == client) // checks if the M is a usr
M.HP -= 1
if(M.HP <= 0)
M.loc = locate(1,1,1) // change the 1,1,1 to the beging(bad grammar) to the level
winshow()// change the winshow of the level for it can be reset.
I got it with
var/mob/M = Player
M << "You got hit ([M.wasHit])"
M<<"<font color=red><b>You have died!"
In response to Blast3r
Blast3r wrote:
I got it with
>       Bump(Player)
> if(ismob(Player))
> var/mob/M = Player
> M.wasHit+=1
> M << "You got hit ([M.wasHit])"
> if(M.wasHit==3)
> M<<"<font color=red><b>You have died!"
> M.wasHit=0
> M.loc=locate(6,1,1)

Nice job.