It seems quite recently, that whenever I get up from laying on the ground, couch, or bed, The outers of my vision go dark black, and slowly come back. Does anyone know what causes this? Or how it happens?
It's called a head rush - caused by blood going to your brain quicker due to the fact you've made sudden or quick movement.
I never get headrush unless i've gone for a certain period of time beiong malnutritioned (usually during wrestling season)
Head rushes are usually caused by major changes in blood pressure when you stand up too quickly. If you're getting alot of them, its often a sign of dehydration. Try and drink more water.

It can also be caused by some drugs, so if you're taking anything you may want to look into that.
As the people below me stated, its a headrush. However, you should consider yourself lucky. Mine actually last a good five minutes of being blind before my vision even starts to come back.