Tommy banned me.
Mults server
Reason; I repeatedly called Zina a nigga after she told me not to
Extra; I'm black so I can say nigga. Zina didnt like me OOCly and she was letting her OOC distaste transcend into IC by restricting me from challenging her gym, thus causing me to miss out on the league so I got mad and started calling her a nigga after she stopped. I never insulted her I just called her a nigga. And it wasnt like I was saying shit like dirty nigger, I dont remember my exact words but it was something around nigga please/plis
![]() Jul 9 2013, 2:43 pm
![]() Jul 9 2013, 2:52 pm
1 read the rules. 'Nigger' and 'fag' arent ment to be usaed excessivly and offesivley. She asked you to stop u didnt. 2 It was for everything u did since being on here that i banned you for
You cant ban me for everything I've done in the past.. How does that make any sense.
And if you're banning me for saying fag excessively I'd appreciate it if it wasnt a forever ban. Maybe a few days or something.
Anyways I appologize for being myself. I have a skewed view of humor. Thats just how I am. I would appreciate being unbanned.
U will be next wipe. Ive given u too many chances this wipe so your banned till we wipe
That makes absolutely no sense. Banned till next wipe for everything I've done before the fact. Wait so you're telling me, I could have turned off my ooc and you would have banned me for everything I've done in the past? Because if you check the chat I didnt insult Zina, I called her a nigga. You're saying that if I said you're a fagget 30 days ago, you could ban me for it today. I will talk to Inu about this.
what im saying is i have given you enough chances to stfu and play with out breaking the rules yet u constantly do and i seen the chat between u and zina and she asked u to stop calling her that and u kept on which on its own is enough to ban u.
Im allowed to say nigga. Thats not against the rules bud. Is she getting her GL stripped for letting OOC drama transcend into IC?
6 - On the OOC chat, sexual gestures, excessive swearing, calling people things like "nigger","faggot" and the like should be kept to a minimum if not nulled entirely. Make sure to be respectful to one another. (This can and very likely will lead up into penalizing and bans.) like i said read the rules. And she was told about it and as far as i seen she didnt say you couldnt challenge her
He said it in say . He said nah I aint letting you challenge till you show me respect. Please link me to this rule btw. Also you penalize before you ban, I was never penalized, and according to my knowledge to punishment process is three strikes, mute, boot ban. You skipped straight to IP Ban, in a player vs player arguement where BOTH Players were insulting eachother. You saw my part in ooc and jumped at the opportunity to ban me.
Lol you dont like being proven wrong? You skipped straight to IP Ban, in a player vs player arguement where BOTH Players were insulting eachother. You saw my part in ooc and jumped at the opportunity to ban me. Thats the fact.
You acted as if Im not allowed to insult someone who insults me. Just cuz Im better at it doesnt mean I'm the one inciting the arguement, or I'm the one whos feeding it. You dont know how the arguement started, you just saw me defending myself by insulting him back, and assumed I was up to my usual shenanigans but you were wrong. Now that I'm calling you out on it for all of PWO to see it you dont want to take back your actions. Thats pretty sad bro. And what makes it worse is that you didnt even give me the normal process you gave me the extra special straight IP Ban. Hmm, theres something wrong. If Zina got RP banned for insulting me too that would be cool. Or if we both got muted since that IS the proper procedure. You're an admin you should probably know that tho.
Actaully I banned you simply because you did not listen to simple instruction from on stop insulting ppl. Which btw not only did i see what u said i had screen shots from 2 different ppl. Just face the facts if it was another admin dealing with you then you would of gotten ip banned a lot sooner. I gave you enough chances they just ran out and i lost my patients with you and banned you. And all the arguments you have been the cause off ive seen ppl not talk to u and you would just randomly begain instulting them. Your ban is legit no oen cares your gone and you aint coming back to next wipe. And if you do just learn your lesson.
Yeah you saw me insulting Zina. You didnt see Zina insulting me, calling me a little shit, a bitch and a fag. If you did see that then you're just admitting to abusing me lol. I wouldn't have been banned sooner. Julian saw me insulting players he never banned me. You told me to stop insulting players, but that doesnt mean when they attack me I cant defend myself.