Puppets/Wolf/oro's sword
Tends to make the user invincable and buggs rounds Dauri
cant even turn his wolf off and his stamina doesnt regen
while it is active.
Cd for dust seems to be random
Can only use cammo once
can teleport in/out of toad and obito world.
if teleported out and obito/Jiryah dies he is sent to spawn
When dusting hidan in circle Mu lives instead of dying.
Players can escape toad stomache/ obito world vita
teleport jutsu's
Tenten's #5 doesnt work at all does nothing.
Crystal pillars only make an icon nothing else
Clones have rare bug where they can drain hp from 100% to 0
In about a second happens always in air by a wall best testing
place is valley map going up either sides mountain.
Raiga's Banquet of lightning hits two spaces above him instead of
the space he's standing and one space above.
Raiga's demon mist Assassination is useless unless Zabuza uses
hidden mist, request all charaters with demon mist ass get
hidden mist ass or change the way it works
Raiga's thunder Gate needs a buff bc u can use it as many times as
you want I've hit nagato 4 times in a row and they not die,
request shorter cooldown or make it 1hitko.
Gaara and Shino can no longer use jutsu's inside shield, Gaara
was seen many times useing coffin and burial inside shield
Gaaras sand coffin is to slow should be instant to be like the
Kakashi can use water jutsu without water.
Sasori's puppets need nerfed they deal to much damage.
Almighty kills Nagato and not Deva.
Chiba used near a roof drains chakra puts skills on cooldown
but does nothing.
Tob's new inf darkness gen jutsu carrys over after he's dead.
Demon brothers Chain shred assiasnation deals way to little
damage request buff so he can still be effective.
Shikamaru's Shadow Mimic is bugged enough said... can catch
people not in shadow possession and carrys over rounds
heartstrike found the round bugs, Also one time i witnessed it
crash a server where it just spammed continuelessly on its own.
![]() Jul 7 2013, 6:58 pm
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![]() Jul 7 2013, 7:04 pm
Almost forgot Clones akak Itachi's deidara's type can be made mid air and sat on to stall all day.