When I save the objects that need more information, such as direction or icon_state, I just add an alpha value to the rgb and "decode" it when it loads. It ends up being very very fast, saving a 300x300 map (90,000 objects) in 1 second and loading that same size map in under 10. I am going to be using huge maps (3,000x3,000 or so) so I am going to need to be able to access all that information quickly.
Here's a little snippet of the map loader:
//"map" is a reference to the image file being loaded
for(var/X in 1 to map.Width())
for(var/Y in 1 to map.Height())
for(var/obj/OLD in TURF) if(OLD.x==X&&OLD.y==Y) del OLD
if(copytext(T,1,8) in MapConversions)
var/obj/O=new PATH(locate(X,Y,1))
It basically just scans over each pixel of the map image, and loads the corresponding object to whatever that pixel is. Making the rgb-object association list is a bit of work, but I think its worth it to have a super fast proc.
Screenshot of the save/load time:
Any comments/thoughts/ideas?