
by Macros
M-Admin v1.5!!
This is PI-Admin Renamed

This is just a small admin system I whipped up or the PI game that never got
started... If you find any bugs, Email me at: ( [email protected] ). You
can change this in anyway, but please give me credit for the base.
- Made the engine.
- Swapped from hard-codded to list.
- Added comments
- Added auto-save admin/ban lists.
- Added a welcome message that tells the player that the game is using
- Fixed ban, The player cannot rejoin as if just being booted...
- Added IP banning. When a player is banned, his key AND his IP are added to the ban list. If they log on with a different key but with the same IP, the key is added to the ban list.
- Switched the Ban/Boot checks against a var instead of the list... the list was just too unstable to check against
- Reworked the commands
- Added/Removed/Tweaked/Fixed/Flipped and otherwise CHANGED the commands.
- Last public release
- Fixed some bugs with ban/boot system.
- Changed ALL the GMvsGM checks to use a var instead of the list check... again this was due to stability problems.
- Fixed shutdown verb not shutting down. :)
- Renamed to M-Admin
- Fixed a few minor bugs
- Cleaned up some code =)